How is your LTIR and are you better than last year and the ceiling?
Did you have any life safety incidents? If yes, what was it and what did you do to prevent future such cases?
Are you doing better on your near miss reporting compared to last year?
How many confirmed food safety incidents have you had so far?
Were there any serious cases? If yes, what did you do to prevent them for the future?
Do you have systems to manage allergens in the business?
Do you have a qualified and strong HSE leaders?
Do you review your safety performance and ways to improve using the maturity index every month in the CLC?
Do you and your teams do a safety talk or walk when you/they visit a site?
What is your retention rate YTD? Will you meet your target?
Do you have a CFL executive who does Fresh Eye Reviews and trains your team?
Do you spend time in the CLC to discuss retention including Magic 9 and Must Retain?
In SoForce do you have account plans, ROL, and an account lead for your Must Retains?
Do you meet your top clients and have a WOI?
Do you have dedicated governance for Must Win and Must Retain every month?
What is your development rate YTD? Are you on target?
Do you have a clear understanding of your Go To Market?
Is your pipeline big enough to achieve your Sales target?
Do you have a Must Win target list?
Do you discuss growth in your CLC?
Do you have a dedicated governance for Must Wins and ensure you are involving the experts from Sodexo locally, regionally and globally?
Do you have a portfolio of brands that demonstrate value and will help you win and retain food contracts?
Do your brands bring efficiency because they have locked recipes and SKU’s, giving you commercial advantage in your bids?
Do you do a red hat meeting to challenge the big bids?
Do you have Sales head and Sales team that has met their target over the last year? If not what action have you taken?
Are you on track with your GP YTD and in your forecast?
Do you have loss making and low margin contracts? If yes, do you have a plan to improve them? Do you govern these plans?
Do you use profit levers to improve profitability like Drive, CMOE, Command Centers and do you work with the SO/T&S team and your CFO on them systematically?
Do you know the benefit of Waste Watch? And have you deployed them in your sites? If yes, do you measure compliance?
Do you engage with your CFO and Supply Chain director every month for a review?
Is your SG&A in control and is it at group benchmark? If not does your CFO and HR head work with you on SG&A efficiency for the short term and long term?
Do you spend time reviewing cash with your CFO and operators every 15 days?
Does your CFO have a plan to reduce DSO and unbilled?
Do you know well the Purpose, Ambition and Key facts of Sodexo?
Do you know your market including size and opportunities?
Do you know about your competition, their size, key people, key contracts, key wins?
Do you have an ambition for the next 5 years?
Can you explain your strategy to grow and differentiate yourself in the market?
Do you review your strategy and related KPI’s at least twice a year with your CLT?
Do you have someone responsible for Data, Digital and IT?
Do you know where you are on Cyber Security? And do you have a plan to close the gap with your head of IT?
Has this person aligned with the Regional Head of IT and Digital on the gap analysis?
Do you know the various data and digital solutions at group and regional level like Everyday, SMS, Wando, Eternity, Foresight
Are you ensuring all your bids new, and rebids have digital solutions?
For your important clients are you implementing digital solutions to bring value?
Do you have a large part of the business in FM? If yes do need to implement Dynamic Cleaning in your soft services sites and move towards a Command Center model
Do you have your team in place? If not, do you have a timeline to fill the vacant position?
Have you evaluated the capabilities of your team and discussed the same with Regional HR and your Business Unit Head?
Do you have a development or change plan for your team members who are underperforming?
Have you identified your talent with your HR head to review their career plan?
What was your last People engagement score?
Is your HR team working on improving the areas that have scored low?
Is your CLC diverse? Do you have over 35% of women in operations?
Do you have a DEI chapter, and do you attend their meetings sometimes
Does your recruitment slate always have a diverse candidate?
Are you aware of the training plan for your country?
Do you have a talent conversation every quarter or twice a year with your CLT?